"Knowing therefore the terror of the Lord, we persuade men"
(2 Cor 5:11).
Faithfulness demands that we speak as plainly about hell as about heaven.
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Free Books
Lionel graciously bought some books from John Piper's ministry. I have a couple of copies left from the stash he sent me. If anyone would like a free copy. Please email me with your address and I will send you a copy. God Bless in Christ
Born In California 1980. Live in CA for about 10 years. Dad retired from military and we moved to Omaha Nebraska. Went to a CME church for the entire time. Came to Faith at age 14. Had not true connection with Jesus the Christ but had a strong hunger for reading the Bible. Read the Bible through and through but nothing really stuck. Had typical teenage years. Never really a bad kid, no babies or jail history, so I guess you could say I was abnormal. Left for college in 2001 to Kansas City Missouri. Married to my wife for life in 2004. While in KC I got into the Word more fervently at a(at the time I did not know) Word of Faith Charismatic church. I cannot understand how a pastor can hear from God in an audible voice and be wrong. I Left there in 2006 by the grace of God. The things that were practiced just did not line up with the Word of God after doing a lot of research. Long story short. Came accross John E. Coleman's site and have been strictly Bible ever since. All the Glory goes to God alone. Books I recommend for those who don't understand. Check out A Different Gospel by D.R. McConnell or Christianity In Crisis by Hank Hanegraaf.